Thursday, October 26, 2006

Increased risk of infertility for Men who use mobile phones

Mobile phones as a threat to male infertility is a reoccuring issue and it's a headline again in the Daily News, reporting on a new study which shows a worrying link between poor sperm and the number of hours a day that a man uses his mobile phone talking AND texting - which raises the question of whether it's talking/texting(SMS) on the phone that's potentially damaging or men keeping their cell phone in their pants pocket - which was the usual theory?
"Those who made calls on a mobile phone for more than four hours a day had the worst sperm counts and the poorest quality sperm, according to results released yest at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting in New Orleans.
... Sending text messages uses less power than talking but it can be a more intense emission of radiation, especially on trains."
"I've seen men on trains spending two or three hours continually texting with their mobile phones held in their laps, and they press Send in the same position when it starts to seek a signal, said Alasdair Philips, director of the consumer pressure group Powerwatch. "This needs a considerable amount of power within what is effectively a metal box. We advise people to send a text with their arm outstretched next to the window when travelling on a train" he added.
The latest study backs up previous research which indicated a link between mobile phone use and sperm quality, but it is the biggest and best designed to date

Source: Textually


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