Thursday, October 26, 2006

Childhood obesity linked to youngsters staying up too late because of cell phones

Cell phones have previously been blamed in various studies as chronically depriving children of sleep - as they stay up all night texting, but now, a new study, reported in UK's Daily Mail goes one step further. Child obesity is on the rise becaue youngsters are getting too little sleep - because the'yre on the phone! In all fairness, video games are blamed too.
"Soaring levels of child obesity may be caused by youngsters getting too little sleep, claim researchers.
"Children today get fewer hours of sleep than in the past and less than they need, which can disrupt hormones that help control weight gain, said Dr Shahrad Taheri from Bristol University.
He blames TV viewing, computer games and mobile phones for keeping children up later and affecting the quality of their sleep."
A previous study reported in 2003 already claimed cell phones made children fat.


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